This is a paragraph.
$_GET)Array ( [id] => 1930éviXXXVIItörvénycikk ) Array ( ["] => " [&] => & [<] => < [>] => > )) Általad megjelölendő:
$_POST:Array ( )434451
Array ( [(konfidenciaintervallum)] => (konfidenciaintervallum) [Arjun] => Arjun [Authentic] => Authentic [Can You Take Real Selfies] => Can You Take Real Selfies [Canada] => Canada [Chlorosis] => Chlorosis [Devahuti] => Devahuti [Elen Entwistle] => Elen Entwistle [GIS] => GIS [Hallgass apádra] => Hallgass apádra [Hawaii] => Hawaii [Janmastami-Talk with HH Bhaktividya Purna Swam] => Janmastami-Talk with HH Bhaktividya Purna Swam [Jiva Goswami say this] => Jiva Goswami say this [Jiva Goswami] => Jiva Goswami [Kamsa] => Kamsa [Krishna killes Puthana] => Krishna killes Puthana [Krisna] => Krisna [Könyves András] => Könyves András [Köszönjük] => Köszönjük [ManjariRamaNavami20240414] => ManjariRamaNavami20240414 [Mathura] => Mathura [Mayapur] => Mayapur [Misuse] => Misuse [Művelődés] => Művelődés [Nrisimha] => Nrisimha [Orbán Viktor] => Orbán Viktor [Pancharatra] => Pancharatra [Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami] => Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami [Rita] => Rita [Rámájana] => Rámájana [Sajtóiroda] => Sajtóiroda [Shri Ram] => Shri Ram [Srimad Bhagavatam] => Srimad Bhagavatam [Suka-deva Gosvami] => Suka-deva Gosvami [Szent Margit-sziget] => Szent Margit-sziget [What is Death] => What is Death [Which governments] => Which governments [Yasoda] => Yasoda [abhideya] => abhideya [about krishna in Vrindavan] => about krishna in Vrindavan [about krishna in vrindavan] => about krishna in vrindavan [about] => about [abszolutizmus] => abszolutizmus [act] => act [acting in that role] => acting in that role [actually] => actually [adekvált] => adekvált [adománygyűjtés] => adománygyűjtés [adoption ] => adoption [akadály] => akadály [akarma] => akarma [alaposan] => alaposan [alku] => alku [all over the world] => all over the world [all planets] => all planets [all] => all [aludj] => aludj [aláírás] => aláírás [anakronizmus] => anakronizmus [analyzing] => analyzing [and this book] => and this book [and when you put it into practice] => and when you put it into practice [and] => and [annyiraszeret] => annyiraszeret [antagonizmus] => antagonizmus [anything like this] => anything like this [aprakat] => aprakat [arany] => arany [are people to do] => are people to do [as yet this is not] => as yet this is not [ask this question] => ask this question [asztrológia] => asztrológia [attachments] => attachments [austerities] => austerities [avagaha] => avagaha [avatás] => avatás [avatást] => avatást [az tesz jót] => az tesz jót [azonosul] => azonosul [back to the spiritual world] => back to the spiritual world [barátaid] => barátaid [basis point] => basis point [bazzírozott] => bazzírozott [be on that] => be on that [because obviously] => because obviously [because] => because [becoming parents] => becoming parents [belpolitika] => belpolitika [belátás] => belátás [bengáli] => bengáli [benyomás] => benyomás [betegség] => betegség [bhava] => bhava [bizalom] => bizalom [boncolás] => boncolás [booky] => booky [both of the] => both of the [brought] => brought [buddhismus] => buddhismus [but anyway] => but anyway [but] => but [by cultivating the qualification] => by cultivating the qualification [békés] => békés [békét] => békét [börtönszemélyiség] => börtönszemélyiség [büntetés mértéke] => büntetés mértéke [bürokrácia] => bürokrácia [careless] => careless [cezoáropápizmus] => cezoáropápizmus [challenge] => challenge [circle of fire] => circle of fire [coin] => coin [coming back] => coming back [complicate that] => complicate that [condition] => condition [conduct] => conduct [confident] => confident [conjugal love] => conjugal love [connect with] => connect with [connect] => connect [consciousness] => consciousness [considered] => considered [considers] => considers [contamination] => contamination [continue on] => continue on [cookie] => cookie [country] => country [covid] => covid [crucial] => crucial [csaltak] => csaltak [csempész] => csempész [csodalatos] => csodalatos [csontváz] => csontváz [céhek] => céhek [célkitűzés] => célkitűzés [dangerous] => dangerous [days off] => days off [dealing] => dealing [dedicate my time now] => dedicate my time now [dedicated] => dedicated [defining] => defining [definitív] => definitív [dehonesztáló] => dehonesztáló [delington] => delington [department] => department [deserves] => deserves [despozizmus] => despozizmus [detachment] => detachment [determines] => determines [devahuti] => devahuti [devotees] => devotees [dezavuált] => dezavuált [dharma] => dharma [dhám] => dhám [dicsőség] => dicsőség [dicsőséges] => dicsőséges [dicsőít] => dicsőít [different types of] => different types of [different types] => different types [difficult it is to stop] => difficult it is to stop [diksa] => diksa [diplom] => diplom [direct parents] => direct parents [disciples] => disciples [discussion] => discussion [diszkriminatív] => diszkriminatív [divinity] => divinity [do a lot more] => do a lot more [does not] => does not [doubt] => doubt [downgraded] => downgraded [during] => during [dysentery] => dysentery [démoni] => démoni [eating] => eating [effektív] => effektív [egységek] => egységek [egyértelmű] => egyértelmű [elektronikus adat] => elektronikus adat [elet] => elet [elfelejteni] => elfelejteni [elhalványuló] => elhalványuló [eligazítás] => eligazítás [elkobzás] => elkobzás [elkopzás] => elkopzás [ellenőrizhető] => ellenőrizhető [elterelés] => elterelés [elutasít] => elutasít [előrelátható] => előrelátható [emberiesség] => emberiesség [embertelen] => embertelen [emlékezet] => emlékezet [emlékezés] => emlékezés [engaging] => engaging [engineers] => engineers [entrance] => entrance [enyhülés] => enyhülés [epilepszia] => epilepszia [eredeti] => eredeti [esetre] => esetre [esélyt] => esélyt [expands] => expands [expansion] => expansion [expectation] => expectation [experience] => experience [expert] => expert [external] => external [extraordinary] => extraordinary [extázis] => extázis [ez botrányos] => ez botrányos [ezt ne csináld] => ezt ne csináld [fafaragás] => fafaragás [fair] => fair [fairness] => fairness [fakabát] => fakabát [faktor] => faktor [false] => false [father] => father [fedezet] => fedezet [fellebbezés] => fellebbezés [first nine] => first nine [focus] => focus [focusing view] => focusing view [fogadalom] => fogadalom [fogantatás] => fogantatás [following] => following [for that] => for that [fordítani könyveket] => fordítani könyveket [fordítani] => fordítani [forget] => forget [forgets] => forgets [formális] => formális [full faith] => full faith [full surrender] => full surrender [fátyol] => fátyol [félelem] => félelem [félelmében] => félelmében [főkegyúri] => főkegyúri [fűszer] => fűszer [gati budhi] => gati budhi [gazdagság] => gazdagság [geometria] => geometria [get red] => get red [give me your life] => give me your life [giving up] => giving up [go 24] => go 24 [godhood] => godhood [going on] => going on [going] => going [gondatlanság] => gondatlanság [gondolkodás] => gondolkodás [gondoskodni] => gondoskodni [grocer] => grocer [grow] => grow [guru szerep] => guru szerep [gyávaság] => gyávaság [gyógyszergyár] => gyógyszergyár [géntérkép] => géntérkép [halmazat] => halmazat [halálfélelem] => halálfélelem [hamis lemondás] => hamis lemondás [hangrend] => hangrend [harer namaiva kevalam] => harer namaiva kevalam [harmónia] => harmónia [hatalmi] => hatalmi [hatalom] => hatalom [have to use it with] => have to use it with [he says] => he says [he talks about] => he talks about [he wants me] => he wants me [helybenhagyta] => helybenhagyta [helyzetet] => helyzetet [hipotézis] => hipotézis [his living up to] => his living up to [his repeated] => his repeated [history] => history [hogy tessék] => hogy tessék [homloktér] => homloktér [homo] => homo [homoszexualitás] => homoszexualitás [hopefully] => hopefully [how did she get there] => how did she get there [how do we get there] => how do we get there [how do you get there] => how do you get there [how great] => how great [how much] => how much [hódolatomat] => hódolatomat [i am hoping] => i am hoping [i can tell you] => i can tell you [i forgot] => i forgot [i love that] => i love that [idobenkeszlett] => idobenkeszlett [idővel] => idővel [if you break] => if you break [igazmondás] => igazmondás [igény] => igény [important point] => important point [in which we have] => in which we have [inbred] => inbred [incarnation of vishnu] => incarnation of vishnu [incarnation] => incarnation [infants] => infants [inger] => inger [inspirál] => inspirál [intakt] => intakt [inteligens] => inteligens [intelligent] => intelligent [interesting] => interesting [irat] => irat [is all about] => is all about [is directing] => is directing [is extraordinary] => is extraordinary [is that the nature] => is that the nature [is usual speaking english] => is usual speaking english [is very important] => is very important [iskcon] => iskcon [isten] => isten [istenpá] => istenpá [it is actually] => it is actually [javak] => javak [jegyzet] => jegyzet [jelenlét] => jelenlét [jellemzők] => jellemzők [jiva goswami say this] => jiva goswami say this [jiva goswami] => jiva goswami [jump] => jump [just form you baby] => just form you baby [just saying how high] => just saying how high [just] => just [jóléti] => jóléti [kalau] => kalau [kamera] => kamera [kampány] => kampány [kapcsolat] => kapcsolat [kapzsiság] => kapzsiság [karbis] => karbis [karloszleder] => karloszleder [karácsonykor] => karácsonykor [kedély] => kedély [kegyelem] => kegyelem [kegyelmi] => kegyelmi [kemo] => kemo [kenoimpex] => kenoimpex [kezdeményező] => kezdeményező [kiegyenlítés] => kiegyenlítés [kifosztani] => kifosztani [kiérlelt] => kiérlelt [kkrishna pastimes] => kkrishna pastimes [klion] => klion [kollektív] => kollektív [konfetti] => konfetti [konfraternitás] => konfraternitás [kontradiktórius] => kontradiktórius [konyvavatar] => konyvavatar [korrupció] => korrupció [krisnas tu bhagavan svayam] => krisnas tu bhagavan svayam [kritik] => kritik [kritérium] => kritérium [ksátra] => ksátra [kutyáihoz] => kutyáihoz [kárhoztat] => kárhoztat [kármegosztás] => kármegosztás [kék csík] => kék csík [képesítés] => képesítés [képzett] => képzett [kérdés] => kérdés [kézírás] => kézírás [kógens] => kógens [költő] => költő [könyv] => könyv [köszönöm] => köszönöm [kötelesség] => kötelesség [kötődés] => kötődés [közmegegyezés] => közmegegyezés [középmérték] => középmérték [küzdelem] => küzdelem [labatoff] => labatoff [lajstrom] => lajstrom [lakás] => lakás [leave result manifest] => leave result manifest [leaving] => leaving [life conditions] => life conditions [looking at time] => looking at time [loving you] => loving you [látásmód] => látásmód [légszennyezettség] => légszennyezettség [lélek] => lélek [madárcsicsergés] => madárcsicsergés [magyarázat] => magyarázat [magán] => magán [magány] => magány [makes this point] => makes this point [makeup stores] => makeup stores [mam ekam saranam vraja] => mam ekam saranam vraja [mama] => mama [manifest in different incarnations] => manifest in different incarnations [manjari] => manjari [mantra] => mantra [marketing] => marketing [marta] => marta [maszatolás] => maszatolás [megbocsájtás] => megbocsájtás [megbocsátás] => megbocsátás [megbánta] => megbánta [megpofozza] => megpofozza [megpróbáltatás] => megpróbáltatás [megölni] => megölni [megörizniahagyatékát] => megörizniahagyatékát [men and ladies] => men and ladies [mentioning] => mentioning [merje] => merje [metakvalon] => metakvalon [mission] => mission [more difficult] => more difficult [more important] => more important [morfin] => morfin [morális] => morális [mother] => mother [motivated] => motivated [my son] => my son [myself] => myself [média] => média [mérföldkő] => mérföldkő [mérget] => mérget [nationality] => nationality [neaggódj] => neaggódj [negyerevissza] => negyerevissza [nemvoltmagánélete] => nemvoltmagánélete [nemzeti egység] => nemzeti egység [neuralgi] => neuralgi [normaszöveg] => normaszöveg [normavilágos] => normavilágos [now follow in the very important] => now follow in the very important [now we begin damodar lila] => now we begin damodar lila [now] => now [numerus clausus] => numerus clausus [nyilvánvaló] => nyilvánvaló [obligatory] => obligatory [observations] => observations [occidens] => occidens [of course one is] => of course one is [of course the answer is] => of course the answer is [of course] => of course [offering] => offering [ok] => ok [oldalra] => oldalra [olvaso] => olvaso [olyanjolatnitegedesapenzedetis] => olyanjolatnitegedesapenzedetis [on the decline] => on the decline [one of the reasons] => one of the reasons [one resolution is] => one resolution is [opportunity] => opportunity [optimista] => optimista [opulence] => opulence [osztályharc] => osztályharc [outstanding] => outstanding [overall purpose] => overall purpose [pacific succession] => pacific succession [pampered] => pampered [panasz] => panasz [paraszt] => paraszt [passing] => passing [pastimes] => pastimes [people actually] => people actually [people] => people [perfection] => perfection [permanent] => permanent [personality] => personality [please be fixed] => please be fixed [please tell me] => please tell me [please] => please [polgári perrendtartás] => polgári perrendtartás [politi] => politi [position] => position [power] => power [practice] => practice [pradán] => pradán [presentation] => presentation [principal] => principal [principle] => principle [principles] => principles [progress] => progress [protect] => protect [protestantizmus] => protestantizmus [punaszcsarana] => punaszcsarana [purifications] => purifications [putana] => putana [puthana] => puthana [qualified] => qualified [raghunatha bhatta goswami] => raghunatha bhatta goswami [ragozás] => ragozás [read of the bhakti] => read of the bhakti [really have full faith] => really have full faith [reciprocated] => reciprocated [recomed] => recomed [record] => record [recycle] => recycle [regulations and rights] => regulations and rights [rejtett] => rejtett [relationship] => relationship [relaxation] => relaxation [relevant because] => relevant because [releváns] => releváns [rendesen ülni] => rendesen ülni [rendezetlen] => rendezetlen [rendiség] => rendiség [reprezentatív] => reprezentatív [requires] => requires [residents of my Vaikuntah] => residents of my Vaikuntah [residents of my vaikuntah] => residents of my vaikuntah [resolution] => resolution [respected] => respected [reverse] => reverse [romboló] => romboló [rubin szemmel] => rubin szemmel [rupa yukta] => rupa yukta [rémálom] => rémálom [részletek] => részletek [sadja] => sadja [sajtókapcsolati] => sajtókapcsolati [saksad hari] => saksad hari [sakti] => sakti [satisfied] => satisfied [saturday] => saturday [satyam] => satyam [save money] => save money [say i have] => say i have [science] => science [screen power here] => screen power here [seems to indicate] => seems to indicate [selyem] => selyem [senior] => senior [service] => service [set things right] => set things right [sexlife] => sexlife [she is expressing] => she is expressing [significantly not] => significantly not [siksa] => siksa [siksástaka] => siksástaka [so a] => so a [so even if we have] => so even if we have [so we ask this question] => so we ask this question [so] => so [son] => son [speculators] => speculators [spiritual master] => spiritual master [standing on your head] => standing on your head [stanity] => stanity [starity] => starity [statement] => statement [still looks the same] => still looks the same [studying] => studying [subject] => subject [sufficiently qualified] => sufficiently qualified [suggestions] => suggestions [suka-deva gosvami] => suka-deva gosvami [summary here] => summary here [superstitious] => superstitious [supposed] => supposed [supremacy] => supremacy [supreme form of worship] => supreme form of worship [surrender to] => surrender to [surrender] => surrender [svayam bhagavan] => svayam bhagavan [szabatos] => szabatos [szakdolgozat] => szakdolgozat [szankritoltan] => szankritoltan [szanszkrit] => szanszkrit [szervezettség] => szervezettség [szidás] => szidás [szinkronitás] => szinkronitás [szituációs jogos védelem] => szituációs jogos védelem [szolgálnitovább] => szolgálnitovább [szándék] => szándék [színdarab] => színdarab [sérülékeny] => sérülékeny [take up a quarrel] => take up a quarrel [taking responsibility] => taking responsibility [talking you can bring] => talking you can bring [találkozni] => találkozni [találni] => találni [tanu] => tanu [tanuljunk] => tanuljunk [tanulmányozni] => tanulmányozni [tanítani] => tanítani [tanítványok] => tanítványok [teolgógus] => teolgógus [that is not true] => that is not true [that means that the ultimate perfection] => that means that the ultimate perfection [the awareness] => the awareness [the force] => the force [the torch be yours to] => the torch be yours to [the torch be yours] => the torch be yours [then he cries] => then he cries [there is a special sadana] => there is a special sadana [this body] => this body [this is a] => this is a [this is one] => this is one [this is the paribas sutra] => this is the paribas sutra [this one speak about] => this one speak about [this type of perfection] => this type of perfection [this] => this [tinkering] => tinkering [tisztelet] => tisztelet [tisztességtelen] => tisztességtelen [to sleep peacefully once] => to sleep peacefully once [to you from] => to you from [totalitárius] => totalitárius [transzcendens horgony] => transzcendens horgony [treating] => treating [trying] => trying [tudatlanság] => tudatlanság [tudomás] => tudomás [tulajdon] => tulajdon [turnézni] => turnézni [tárgyszerű] => tárgyszerű [társadalmi béke] => társadalmi béke [társadalmi] => társadalmi [társadalom] => társadalom [tény kioltó] => tény kioltó [tény szett] => tény szett [tényleges] => tényleges [törekszik] => törekszik [túljusson] => túljusson [túlmutat] => túlmutat [tőke] => tőke [ujsagirok] => ujsagirok [under control] => under control [under different] => under different [understand] => understand [understanding] => understanding [unevers] => unevers [unfortunately] => unfortunately [unless you] => unless you [unspoken] => unspoken [unwavering] => unwavering [utolsó] => utolsó [vagyoni] => vagyoni [vaikuntha] => vaikuntha [vaisnavaaparad] => vaisnavaaparad [valuta] => valuta [varanasi (city of light) (64 kbps)] => varanasi (city of light) (64 kbps) [vegzettseg] => vegzettseg [vendéglátás] => vendéglátás [vers tanulás] => vers tanulás [vers] => vers [very basic in the sample] => very basic in the sample [very jumping a lot higher] => very jumping a lot higher [very voleybol] => very voleybol [veszhelyzetipenz] => veszhelyzetipenz [vision is how i can] => vision is how i can [visszavágyom] => visszavágyom [viszonyulni] => viszonyulni [vita] => vita [vrindavan] => vrindavan [végintézkedés] => végintézkedés [we are dying off] => we are dying off [we have a legacy] => we have a legacy [we shall not sleep] => we shall not sleep [what about me as a person] => what about me as a person [what is death] => what is death [what is paribasa sutras] => what is paribasa sutras [what will happen to the] => what will happen to the [which governments] => which governments [which means that] => which means that [who sacrifices] => who sacrifices [who take give me your life] => who take give me your life [with this lila] => with this lila [wonderful thing] => wonderful thing [wonderful] => wonderful [world already] => world already [worship] => worship [year money] => year money [you got] => you got [you look at these words] => you look at these words [you should all become] => you should all become [your children have to move into] => your children have to move into [your son] => your son [Írásbeli ellenkérelem] => Írásbeli ellenkérelem [áldozat] => áldozat [ékesszoló] => ékesszoló [építkezés] => építkezés [építészeti bűnmegelőzés] => építészeti bűnmegelőzés [érdemtelen] => érdemtelen [érinthetetlen] => érinthetetlen [érintőkő] => érintőkő [érzéki] => érzéki [érzések] => érzések [íját] => íját [önmegtartóztató] => önmegtartóztató [öregedőkötelezettség] => öregedőkötelezettség [öröklés] => öröklés [összezavarodott] => összezavarodott [úszunk a szemétben] => úszunk a szemétben [úthenger] => úthenger [ülnök] => ülnök [ürügy] => ürügy [ütközet] => ütközet )
Array ( [0] => ka sa ta na ha ma ya ra wa [1] => ki shi chi ni hi mi i ri i [2] => ku su tsu nu fu mu yu ru u [3] => ke se te ne he me e re e [4] => ko so to no ho mo yo ro o [5] => ty gy ny ja )
Array ( [0] => Erők stádiumai [1] => Életjelenségek [2] => Harmónia [3] => Művészet alkotás fokozatai [4] => Megtestesült forma, mozgás stádiumai [5] => Ahimsa )
A nyavaja vigye el: السلام عليكم